Monday, September 24, 2012


my nephew catching dragonflies in the fields
During my childhood, we used to chase and catch shotshoti* or dragonflies.  We would stick a grass’ stem into their tails so that they couldn’t fly as high and far any longer.  We would usually catch the small ones that fly low on the ground so it was more exciting when we’d see the bigger ones that fly 1-2 meters above the ground and there were plenty of them!

Whenever  our old folks see those dragonflies flying above us, they would say that rainy days are coming or a storm is brewing and I believed them.  Up to these days, whenever I see dragonflies, I am reminded of that old folks’ belief.

Years later, as I was talking with a Science teacher about animals and old folks’ superstitions, I told her about the dragonflies.  She then shared that whenever a storm is brewing or rain is coming, there is a strong pressure in the sky so animals like dragonflies couldn’t fly as high as they could.  Ah, so that explains my old folks’ beliefs.  I think they believed so because they have had years of experience and keen observation skills.

*other terms: sho-sho-ti, shoroti, pi-pi-ngew